A-roll file: https://1drv.ms/v/s!Ag9C98MwgmLTox1DFHfS4FAlcnmM?e=0DKrBl

Notes to editor:

If you could please include some of the IPA text on screen when I say things that would be brilliant! And highlight the parts that I’m talking about. I’ve included some below.

Please refer to the last few videos on my channel for examples of good editing.

The style of editing that I usually go for is the following:



10 title ideas, then bold.

  1. 7 words that will teach you a British Accent
  2. 7 words that will teach you an English Accent
  3. These phrases will teach you how to sound british
  4. These words will teach you how to sound British
  5. Master these words to sound british
  6. How to speak with a British accent


Heart ❤️

What's the point? What do I want to say?

Some people find it hard to speak with a British accent, here are some words that help you to nail down the tricky pronunciation points of a British accent.

These words will cover some key distinguishing characteristics of a British accent and I’ll explain the underlying principles behind why.

Why do I want to say it? What question am I answering? Who is this for?

Many people want to learn a Modern RP British accent, this is for anyone who wants to sound more British with a similar accent to mine.

I’ve had so many requests for another modern RP video so here it is.

Notes + Inspiration

1. Hook 🎣

Nailing an authentic English accent can be really tricky, but by taking on board a few simple quintessentially British sounds, you can quickly transform your accent to sound more British when you speak. So if you want to learn an English accent, then keep watching this video.

In this very highly requested video we will be going through 7 words that will teach you a Modern RP British accent, also known as Modern Received Pronunciation [text on screen: “Modern RP (Received Pronunciation)”) - this is the accent that I speak with, also known as Standard Southern British English or SSBE for short [text on screen].

2. Intro 💭

If you're new here, I’m Izzy, a Cambridge graduate and doctor working in London. [don’t include the part about me learning mandarin as this is not relevant for this video]

So I’ll go over 7 words and 7 quintessentially British pronunciation points to help you hopefully get closer to your goal of speaking with more of a Modern RP accent. I’ll pair up the words with pronunciation points to help them stick, and so whether you want to sound British for an acting role, as an English learner, or just for fun, I hope that this video can help you out.