Hey there! 👋 ☺️

I’m Izzy Sealey, a junior doctor working in London. I love to learn Mandarin, read and do yoga in my free time. I’m also a YouTuber (https://youtube.com/izzysealey) - on my channel, I make videos about learning languages, education and lifestyle content.

I’m looking for a long-term editor to edit my videos - which would be 2-4 videos per month.

I’m looking to pay £100 GBP per video, with an expected turnaround time of 5 days.

The edits usually involve the following: cutting up A-roll, adding plenty of B-roll (either from my own personal B-Roll library (preferable) or stock B-roll), adding text and transitions and zoom-ins, adding background music (I have an Epidemic sound subscription so anything from there is fine) and a colour grade (I can send you my DaVinci resolve presets). I’m also always open to seeing your own creative suggestions!

The most important thing is to have plenty of B-roll and visually engaging things (e.g. text, images, emojis, etc.) on screen in the hook at the start of the video - aiming for new visuals every 1 second or so. And then throughout the video, have something happening on screen at least once every 10 seconds.

My brand font that I usually use is Playfair Display, with font accent colour pastel green.

Here’s an example:


How we’d work together:

  1. I’d send you a Notion page including:
    1. A OneDrive link to the raw video/audio files.
    2. A basic script explaining the rough concept of the video.
    3. Notes about any particular images/B-roll I’d like used.
  2. You’d edit the video (using whatever software you want) and upload it to frame.io and send it to me.
  3. I’d review the edit and leave comments on frame.io
  4. You’d take the review comments into account and send me the final export via frame.io / Google Drive / WeTransfer - whichever works best for you.
  5. I’d pay you for every approved video, via bank transfer or Paypal.

How to apply:

If you’d like to apply to be my long-term editor: